Do you have a Discover More card? Discover gives you a chance to get 5% cash back on special categories. The categories change every month or so. In order to take advantage of the special promo, you must sign up through this Discover link. For the month of February, you get 5% cash back on Restaurants, Florists, Candy Shops, Bookstores, and Pet Stores. Maximum cash back is $200.
From the website:
Sign up to earn 5% Cashback Bonus on purchases at restaurants, florists, bookstores, candy shops and pet stores from 2/1/08 (or the date on which you sign up, whichever is later) through 2/29/08, subject to a cap of $200 in purchases. Restaurant purchases are those made at merchants we classify as full-service restaurants, cafes, cafeterias and fast food locations. Purchases of flowers, books, candy and pet supplies must be made at qualifying stand-alone florists, bookstores, candy shops and pet stores. These purchases must post to your account between 2/1/08 and 2/29/08. Allow up to 5 weeks for this reward to be added to your Cashback Bonus account. You will continue to earn up to 1% unlimited Cashback Bonus on all other purchases. Only Discover More Cardmembers are eligible to participate in this program. See Cashback Bonus Terms and Conditions for further details.
- 5% Cashback Bonus® in categories like travel, home, gas, restaurants, movies and more
- 5% to 20% Cashback Bonus at top retailers through our exclusive online shopping site
- Up to 1% Cashback Bonus on all other purchases automatically
- Unlimited cash rewards
- Increase, even double, your rewards when you redeem for gift cards from our 100 Cashback Bonus PartnersApply Now!